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Your access is almost ready in a few minutes. please WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO IN FULL while we finalize your account setup for the Superconscious Challenge.

Do you want to fast track your superconscious success?

You can!

We have this UNBELIEVABLE FAST-START VIP opportunity for you
  • You will get instant access to the Challenge NO NEED TO WAIT!
  • The Superconscious Secrets E-book (not yet publicly released), THIS IS NEW NEW NEW!
  • The Superconscious Secrets 16-part Online training worth $995
  • ​The Millionaire Morning Ritual (plus meditation) worth $495

This means you don't have to wait.

Normally the programs retail for over a thousand dollars, but since we are just getting to know each other and you are already in the challenge, I am offering 90% OFF!
Now, you don't have to take me up on this offer. You will still get the challenge either way…

This is just for people who don't want to wait and want to get results now… (You also get the Superconscious Secrets program at a huge discount).

To make it even more enticing… I will throw in some bonuses that will make it ridiculous to say NO


 I will give you a free e-book copy of my best-selling book “You're Not Broken”.
It has all the instructions you need to access your Superconscious and is worth $19.95...
 I will also gift you the Recode Training which has 5 huge Recodes on fear of failure, self-sabotage, and more…
 It Includes The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ group session … worth $495
 PLUS … three (3) audio meditations that use neuro-emotional transformation techniques (that sell for $99 each)
So as you can tell, it's a really ridiculous offer. I have made the offer so irresistible to people who want results, it’s crazy to say no…

Who wouldn't want to go fast, and save time?
Before you jump right into the VIP FAST-START offer, let me explain why the Superconscious Creator Code is so important and why it's different from anything else you have ever tried...

...It is the only system that will retrain your brain to heal itself...

...It is based on ancient principles and the most cutting-edge neuroscience...

...It was passed down to Chris Duncan from a self-made billionaire and is the most advanced Superconscious system ever created...

What you will learn may feel counterintuitive to what you have been told… but that’s because you have been lied to, misled and deep down you know it

It is because what you have been told doesn't work (which is why you are on this page)...

The personal development world may tell you that you need to fix this or heal that...

But what you’ll realize when embarking on your Superconscious journey is…

You Are NOT Broken.

You have god-like manifesting and healing power.

But you are not allowing it to work because of how your mind is structured.

You (like most of society) are unconscious…

Asleep to your true power and focused in ways that create unnecessary self-sabotage, frustration, and illness.

Do you know why self-help, therapy, motivation and personal growth seminars make our self-sabotage pattern worse?
Because they are just advanced ways for us to turn against ourselves

They tell us to think that we are broken and need to be different to succeed.

But that’s a lie.

You don’t need any of that, you just need a Superconscious education
You need to learn how to focus your mind in ways that allow a natural, transformative process to take place.

It all comes down to structural tension (this is the missing key).

You see, energy always takes the path of least resistance…

Think about water flowing down a hill, it will flow down a river because it is the least resistant path to follow. It flows down and will go around any mass that is in its way.

This is the same for electricity and humans walking through a crowd.

We always take the path of least resistance, right?
In life, the least resistant way to orient is to unconsciously create a structure where the tension we are trying to resolve is the negative feelings inside of ourselves.

This becomes the main priority and this is why many people have goals such as... be happy... be rich... be stress-free...

It all comes down to structural tension

Attending self-help seminars filled with belief clearing, emotional change and strategies on how to be different only continues to reinforce these self-sabotage goals...

Even though it feels good in the moment it doesn't actually work (which is why you are on this page).

It doesn't work because you teach your unconscious there is something wrong and you are trying to escape it.

And because the unconscious agrees with everything we suggest to it… Your unconscious will believe the only way to ‘be happy’ or to ‘be rich’ is by constantly fixing yourself…

You may think...

...“I would be happier if I had a different body shape… I need to be more determined, or positive”...

...“I just need a different degree, job or relationship.. Then I will be happy”...

...“If only I could have had a different upbringing, thats what my problem is”...

But this is just a lie.

It's just a structure.

This belief that we need to fix ourselves creates a story and an identity that believes we are not allowed to be powerful and that we need to be different to succeed

However, that is just the structure we have been born into. It has caused many people to go in circles instead of creating what they want.

The Brutal TRUTH

The truth is, after years of personal development, therapy and self-help, most people realize that all of the work they have done has only caused them to view themselves as dysfunctional…

And the more they try to ‘fix’ this dysfunction, the more rooted that dysfunction becomes… slowly taking over their identity.

But The Superconscious Can CHANGE That…

Thankfully, you have found your way to this work…

And what you’ve read so far may have surprised you… but focusing on fixing yourself, or problem-solving is not the way of healers, alchemists, and true magicians who defy belief with their level of genius…

They don’t focus on fixing a problem…

They focus on creating something NEW.

We must shift the ‘fixing’ structure into a creative structure where the focus of our consciousness is on what we desire to create (without making it personal).

When we focus on what we desire, the gap between where we are and where we want to be creates a void that must be filled… 

Since the universe abhors a void it will get filled with creative inspiration, healing, and genius intuition that allows a person to manifest in unbelievable ways.

The key is to have all parts of your consciousness working together.

Because your self-conscious chooses the direction, the Superconscious invents or creates the way to get there and the unconscious allows or denies the end result.

Most people do not have all parts of their consciousness working together, with their unconscious stuck in their shadow self, instead of their superpower.

The self-conscious keeps changing ideas and chooses whatever it thinks will keep you safe.

And your Superconscious is standing on the sidelines not engaged at all.

By the end of the challenge, you will have all aspects of your consciousness working together… giving you the amazing ability to step into your desired reality.

If you are ready to finally break through the beliefs that have been holding you back…

You really (I mean really) need to attend the challenge… we will be diving deep into the Superconscious world, your shadow, and how to access your superpower.

Here's a small selection of what we will cover in the challenge:

 The 5 Steps To Create Your Anything You Really Love In Just 15 Minutes A Day
 Structural Tension + True Presence = Your Magnetic Mind
 How To Neutralise Any Limitation And Remove Doubt, Fear And Self-Sabotage
 Superconscious Intuition And Genius Activation
 The Identity Shift - How To “Be It To See It”
 Unstoppable Unconscious Momentum (Total Flow)
 The Money Attraction Secret (That Allowed Me To Build A $20 Million Company In 3 Years)
 PLUS! we will do a Live Recode and give you total clarity on how to access your superconscious wisdom
You will learn how to access your genius wisdom, recode limitations and activate your “God-like” manifesting power

I will show you actionable steps and transformational processes during the challenge… And I won’t waste your time… sound good?

You’ve already taken the first step by choosing to do the challenge…

But if you are like me and don’t want to wait… then you should take me up on the VIP FASSTART PACKAGE:
 You will get instant access to the Challenge (previous recording)
 The Superconscious Secrets E-book (not yet publicly released)
 The Superconscious Secrets Video Training
 And the Millionaire Morning Ritual (plus meditation).

This means you don't have to wait.

Normally the programs retail for over a thousand dollars, but since we are just getting to know each other and you are already in the challenge, I am offering 90% OFF!
Now, you don't have to take me up on this offer. You will still get the challenge either way…

This is just for people who don't want to wait and want to get results now… (You also get the Superconscious Secrets program at a huge discount).

To make it even more enticing… I will throw in some bonuses that will make it ridiculous to say NO


 I will give you a free e-book copy of my best-selling book “You're Not Broken”.
It has all the instructions you need to access your Superconscious and is worth $19.95...
 I will also gift you the Recode Training which has 5 huge Recodes on fear of failure, self-sabotage, and more…
 It Includes The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ group session … worth $495
 PLUS … three (3) audio meditations that use neuro-emotional transformation techniques (that sell for $99 each)
So as you can tell, it's a really ridiculous offer. That I have made so irresistible to people who want results, that they would be crazy to say no…

Who wouldn't want to go fast, and save time?
You might be thinking… Why would I be doing this?

Well I really want to get this message out there …. And I want to change lives.

It costs me $$$ to run ads so I get your attention… and if you didn't notice the challenge is 100% FREE

So my idea is to give the motivated few, who want it all a ridiculous offer to get ahead and make enough to pay for the ads .. it's a win win.

Are you one of the motivated few? 

The maniacs on a mission who want to get the best out of life

If yes…

Then grab the VIP FAST-START PACKAGE and say goodbye to your old limitations…

However, if it is financially out of reach for you at the moment, that's ok… 

The challenge is still free and I am so thrilled to help you

It is time to become Superconscious… And to stop living the unconscious lie..

If you have ever noticed… you’ll get close to manifesting your dream…

And then you change what you’re going for…

Or you simply don't go for what you want because you think it is impossible…

Or do you continually have to struggle for everything?

Have you found yourself in the “I need to fix myself” mentality going nowhere fast?

Have you noticed you’re in a loop where you experience the same outcome over and over again…?

It’s not your fault.. You Are Not Broken
(You can manifest anything you want just the way you are)

You simply need a new education… 

You were born into a culture that has you focused in the wrong way
(killing your Superconscious power)

You need to activate your Superconscious genius to create what you want!

You need to restructure your mind and let go of the past… The past is done. 

Remember, it's the structure that has created your reality

Your unconscious mind, from a very young age, coded up a belief that has shaped your life...

This structure prevents you from reaching your dreams… 

Because it doesn't know if it’s ‘safe’ to have.

The Superconscious Challenge & VIP FAST-START PACKAGE will help you turn your current reality in to your desired reality.

The Superconscious Creator Code has helped thousands of people…

and now it can help you…
Still not convinced? Below are some experiences from others using the Superconscious Recode Method…

Kathy Nunn Story

It’s crazy to think about it now, but I was having around 87 seizures a day and the doctors didn’t know how to help.

So it all started on a normal day…

My husband and I went down to the beach to do a cold water therapy session.
So cold water, and ice work… that kind of stuff.

When suddenly I got stung by a jellyfish and I went into anaphylactic shock.

Amazingly, I survived… considering we were 30km from the town.

But it was from that point, my brain started to do weird things that no specialist could explain.

On one particular day, we counted 87 seizures.

And we never knew when they would happen or what could trigger them… 

It was debilitating and for me, a person who thrived on physically challenging activities...

It was soul destroying.

The seizures weren’t the end of it though…

Then there was the PTSD, the panic disorder, and the constant anxiety.

It became overwhelming and never ending. 

I tried EVERYTHING to fix myself.

Spoke to doctors, specialists, hyperbaric chamber…

I couldn’t go back to cold water therapy because as soon as I would immerse my body into the icy water, it would trigger PTSD because my brain was convinced that it was the cold water that caused the anaphylactic shock and not the jellyfish!

No one could tell me what was going on or why it was happening.

One day though, my daughter told me I needed to watch this video she had found on YouTube.

It was of Chris Duncan recoding the two women with the fear of public speaking.

I looked at it and I went, No, that's not for me.

I've got to find something like a doctor, or a specialist who understands what's going on. 

And I continued on the heartbreaking journey of jumping from specialist to specialist

And all of them gave me the same answer… We don't know what's causing the seizures.
They tried to write it off on previous injuries from my full contact martial arts…

But I knew it wasn’t caused by that because my brain felt DIFFERENT.

It felt wrong...

And NO ONE had answers. 

It was 6 months later that I asked my daughter to resend me that video of Chris again.

I had no answers and no hope and I was finally ready to look at something different.

I had lost so much of what I valued about myself…
My ability to work, my independence… I had to have someone with me at all times just in case I had a serious episode. 

After seeing the change the women experienced after Chris’s Recode, I started to dig deeper and realised these weren’t the only results…

There had been healings as well!

Though I was skeptical, I had nothing left to try.

So I signed up.

That was March 2022…
I am now safe, seizure free, on no medication, and I don't suffer from PTSD or panic disorder.

I do have anxiety that floats up and down, but nowhere near as debilitating as being unable even to leave the house.


And I now work to help others change their life too…

It’s absolutely incredible.
And I’m so so thankful that I came across this work of Chris’s.

More Clients Success Stories

"Working with Chris and understanding the truth about structure, about creation, and about our power to connect to the Superconscious and literally change the code of instructions and information that has created our life so far in order to release resistance to creating something new has completely transformed me as a creator and a coach."

— Dixie Gillaspie

"This is absolutely life changing. If you want more out of life, this is for you! You really can have it all! I was a woman with great ideas and I wanted to much in life, but I never really got anything done. Now I know how to actually get things done. And I'm doing it. Right now is the answer. Heal, inspire, get inspired and connect with yourself."

— Magdalena Gustafsson

"The Magnetic Mind Method is transforming this world at an incredible rate and I am so honoured to be a part of it and even more so to be certified in it so that I can make the impact I choose to create. All the questions you've ever wanted answers for and not received will be answered when you get into this structure. I couldn't recommend it more."

— William Hitzke

"Chris Duncan not only helped me realize my true choices in life but gave me a structured plan to get out of hell and into my desired life.

I am now a certified Magnetic Mind Coach living my true nature and purpose while living a life I love!

— Kym Cassel

"It has been a game changer in how I deal with life and I can't wait to get the Magnetic Mind Program to others as a coach. So go fly Chris and I wish you all the luck and success in the world with this book. Thanks for all you do for humanity!"

— Wendy Mason

"No more trying to fix myself. He then recoded my sabotaging patterns so now I am on a straight path to my goals. 

Thanks, Chris!"

— Anthony Williams

"It's been the most incredible experience in my life — getting so many benefits in my personal life, relationships, business way, enjoying life and having so much clarity with every choice I'm making everyday."

— Adrian Monllor

"No more wrong turns. Live deliberately with ease and grace. Life is fun now. I know how to live. I understand what it is to be a creator and live a life I love. This work has changed my life and dozens of people in my world"

— Sara Lockhart

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