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Congrats and Welcome

To The 'Superconscious' Challenge!

 Click Play To Watch The Video Below For Your Next Steps

IMPORTANT: Follow The Next Steps Below 

To Prepare You For The 'Superconscious Challenge'

 Reminder: Make Sure To Check Your Email With All Of The Important Challenge Details!


Add It To Your Calendar!

Reminder: You will NOT receive lifetime replays of this event!

So don’t miss out! Take a moment to put this date into your calendar:
So take a second right now and put this date into your smartphone:

🗓 If you're in Australia: Tuesday to Saturday

🗓 If you're in the US or UK: Monday to Friday

Starting Time As Per Time Zones: 
8:00 AM AEST
2:00 PM PST
3:00 PM MST
4:00 PM CST
5:00 PM EST
10:00 PM GMT
I want to encourage you to do everything in your power to show up 10 minutes early before the start of each training session so you don’t miss a single moment of this challenge!
True creation and manifestation come from conscious choices... so choose to follow through and see your life change.
Each training session will last around 90 minutes, so please block off at least 2 hours and commit to attending each training for the entire duration so you can soak up as much value as possible!


Grab Your Bonuses!

Do you want access to some fantastic BONUS TRAINING VIDEOS?
Of course you do! Click the button below to discover:
 Self Mastery Foundations
 Superconscious Transformation Method
 Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode
 Recode Your Fear Of Failure
Discover the Superconscious power now!


Upgrade To VIP Package!

Includes $2,000 worth of fast-action bonuses when you upgrade to VIP Package today.
Act now and sign up for VIP before we fill up!
When you upgrade to VIP for $29... you'll get:
 Digital Copy of You’re Not Broken (Worth $9.99)
 Lifetime Access To The 5-Day Consciousness Upgrade (Worth $995)
 The 3 Mind Reprogramming Visual Meditations (Worth $99)
 Rapid Recode (Worth $499)
 1:1 Strategy Session With A Certified Magnetic Mind Coach (Worth $495)
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